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Argon Laser

● Argon-Ion Single-Line Laser

Single-line argon-ion lasers use wavelength-selective mirror coatings to limit output to a single, fixed wavelength. Standard lasers are available with output at 456 nm (violet/deep blue), 488 nm (blue) and 514 nm (green), with output up to 150 mW. Single-line argon-ion lasers are available with sealed internal mirrors or with replaceable external mirrors.
All systems feature both automatic power control (light regulation) and automatic current control modes that are accessible through an RS-232 interface. Output can be varied from near threshold to full power.

Wavelength (nm) Output Power (mW) Beam Dia. (mm) Description
457 4 0.67 ±5% Internal Mirror Violet Argon Laser
457 25 0.7 ±5% Single Line
488 10 0.67 ±5% Internal Mirror Violet Argon Laser
488 20 0.69 ±5% Internal Mirror Violet Argon Laser
488 50 0.72 ±5% Single Line
488 150 0.72 ±5% Single Line
514 150 0.7 ±5% Single Line

● Argon-Ion Tunable Laser

Line-tunable argon-ion lasers use a Littrow prism to select a specific output wavelength. By tilting the prism, the laser can be tuned through all of the available wavelengths ranging from 454 nm to 514 nm. Depending upon the model, either eight or nine lines will be selectable. Nonetheless, only performance at 488 nm and 514 nm is guaranteed.

Wavelength (nm) Output Power (mW) Beam Dia. (mm) Description
457 - 514 4 - 40 0.66 ±5% Tunable, 40mW @488, 40mW @514
454 - 514 5 - 130 0.72 ±5% Tunable, 125mW @488, 130mW @514
454 - 514 8 - 195 1.1 ±5% Tunable, 185mW @488, 195mW @514

● Argon-Ion Multiline Laser

Multiline argon-ion lasers operate in several wavelengths simultaneously, with combined output power as high as 490 mW. Although the relative intensity of the individual lines is not guaranteed, the bulk of the output power is in the 488-nm and 514-nm wavelengths. Multiline argon-ion lasers are available with sealed internal mirrors or with replaceable external mirrors.

Wavelength (nm) Output Power (mW) Beam Dia. (mm) Description
457 - 514 40 0.67 ±5% Internal Mirror Visible Multiline Argon Laser
457 - 514 100 0.66 ±5% Multiline
457 - 514 300 0.66 ±5% Multiline

● Argon/Krypton Single-Line Lasers

Single-line argon/krypton lasers are available only with 568 nm (yellow) output.

Wavelength (nm) Output Power (mW) Beam Dia. (mm) Description
568 20 0.7 ±5% Single Line

● Argon/Krypton Tunable Laser

Line-selectable argon/krypton lasers use a Littrow prism to tune between lines. Tunable argon/krypton lasers are available with output at nine wavelengths ranging from 476 nm to 676 nm. Specific output power is guaranteed only for the major lines (488 nm, 514 nm, 568 nm, and 647 nm)

Wavelength (nm) Output Power (mW) Beam Dia. (mm) Description
476 - 676 4 - 20 0.7 ±5% Tunable 20mW @488, 568 ,647, 10mW @514

● Argon/Krypton Multiline Lasers

Multiline argon/krypton lasers are available with dual-wavelength output, guaranteed at 20mW for both the 568-nm (yellow) krypton line and the 488-nm (blue) argon line. All-lines operation is available with guaranteed output of 10 mW at the 488 nm and 568 nm lines, and 15 mW at the 647 nm (red) krypton line. Other wavelengths may be present in both of these lasers, but output is not specified or guaranteed.

Wavelength (nm) Output Power (mW) Beam Dia. (mm) Description
488 / 568 / 647 10 / 10 / 15 0.8 ±5% Multiline
488 / 568 20 / 20 0.8 ±5%